New concepts in the management of anal fistulae

pescatoriMario Pescatori MD FRCS EBSQ

Parioli Clinic, Rome and Cobellis Clinic, Vallo della Lucania, Italy

Correspondence: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Two outstanding surgeons, one from Great Britain, the late Professor John Goligher and one from  USA, Dr Steven Wexner,   wrote two classical books on colorectal surgery.

The beginning of the chapters on FISTULA-IN-ANO had the same concept in common.

According to Goligher it is more difficult to operate a complex (i.e. recurrent, high, with multiple tracks) anal fistula than a rectal cancer. According to Wexner, fistula-in-ano represents the most challenging disease for a colorectal surgeon.

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Mario Pescatori's publishing

PescatoriThe volume is authored by a colorectal surgeon with long-standing clinical and scientific experience and is devoted to the management of complications following surgery of the anorectum and the pelvic floor. It is aimed not only at general surgeons, perineologists and...


M.S.C.P. 2018: a story of 20 years

The Mediterranean Society of Coloproctology (MSCP or So.Me.Co.P) was founded in Rome,March 1998, by the following members:

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